Australian born Designer, Di Riddell learned early in life the importance of nutrition. Whilst preparing to compete in The
Australian National Swimming Championships in the late 1960’s she trained in the elite Harry Gallagher Squad. Harry Gallagher also coached the famous Dawn Fraser. Harry prepared a strict nutritional diet for Di to follow, aiming to replenish her body after long swim sessions, totalling over 20 kilometres a week. Her mother, Barbara Gale prepared all the meals without missing a beat. Breakfast consisted of steak, eggs, grilled tomato and wholemeal toast. Di’s lunchbox contained wholemeal salad sandwiches, Vitamin E Tablets, 10 dried apricots and 20 sunflower seeds. Dinner mainly consisted of grilled proteins, pressure-cooked vegetables and salads. After school there were milkshakes, Vita Wheat biscuits and cheese and a large tablespoon of Saunders Malt straight from its tin. Meals were all prepared in the kitchen, nothing store bought.
Barbara at the same time started doing her own research in nutrition and bought many books by Adelle Davis. Adelle’s books were International best sellers, selling over 10 million copies worldwide. Her signature books were “Let’s Eat Right To Keep Fit” and “Let’s Get Well”. These books, always kept in the kitchen were often referred to if a member of the family or a friend became sick. Later Barbara was a great believer in Adelle’s breakfast regime of wheat germ and hot milk and a drink of brewers yeast and freshly squeezed orange juice. Barbara was always full of beans and looked the youngest mum at school pick up. Her favourite saying was “You are what you eat”.

We prepared Adelle’s Pep Up Drink when we were down with a cold which consisted of 2 egg yolks, 1 tablespoon each of lecithin and iced vegetable oils, 1 1/2 teaspoons of calcium lactate, 1/2 teaspoon of magnesium oxide, 1/4 cup yogurt, 1 teaspoon of kelp, 1-2 cups of whole or skim milk, 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup of yeast fortified with calcium, 1/4 to 1/2 cup of non-instant powdered milk, 1/4 cup of wheat germ, nutmeg or pure vanilla and 1/2 cup of frozen orange juice. Barbara remembers how difficult it was sometimes to actually acquire these ingredients in the late 60’s as Health Food Stores were not in abundance.

Di’s son Richard, Managing Director of Blitzbottle is taking the family’s interest in nutrition a whole lot further by presenting to the public his innovative Blitzbottle. Richard was also a keen athlete, representing the Scotch College First 18 Year 12 Football Team when he was only in year 11. Richard’s sister Anna has also followed Barbara’s love of the kitchen by becoming a trained
Chef in Paris.
The Blitzbottle, with its powerful motor and handy USB charging cable allows anyone anytime to prepare a delicious smoothie, especially after gym or sport. We hope you love your new portable blender as much as we do and try our delicious recipes as well as our 7 Day Blitzbottle Detox Diet.